Sassafras Hill Booking


Sassafras Hill Booking is a home for Ethan Setiawan and Louise Bichan to feature their musical projects. After nearly a decade of booking their own projects for concerts and festivals, these talented members of the Northeastern roots music scene decided to create a container for their booking. Sassafras Hill Productions serves as a place to showcase their ventures, together in one place on the internet. Here, you can find booking information for Louise Bichan, Ethan Setiawan, and their duo, Hildaland, as well as Ethan’s duo with Maurizio Fiore Salas and Band of Friends.

Get in touch


To talk about booking Hildaland, Band of Friends or Ethan Setiawan & Maurizio Fiore Salas, contact Ethan


To talk about booking Louise’s band or Hildaland, contact Louise